quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2018

Theory: Avengers 4 - Endgame

Segue Vídeo teoria Vingadores 4: parte 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgUipkdm3mo
Segue Vídeo teoria Vingadores 4: parte 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvtShVnRUSw

Based on the movie Infinite War and everything that has already been released (May, 05, 2018), I created a theory to describe the movie Avengers 4. Here already entitled "Avengers - Endgame." Marvel must not definitively end its universe of cinema. Killing heroes and then continuing their solo films without considering what happened in Infinite War. The Avengers initiative should end, but the movies bringing together heroes fighting super villains do not. If it were to kill main characters, would not it be more exciting if it were done during the battles? Just like the deaths of Loki and Vision. The heroes being snatched at the end of the movie indicate that they did not die.

After Avengers 4 the next stage should have the title the word Marvel replacing Avengers. Example: A movie called "Marvel - Overthrow from Thanos." Something that represents the whole universe of heroes. Believing that the heroes in the next movie will depend on having the gem of time to undo all that Thanos has accomplished is an obvious sight of more. Of course, such a powerful villain and more than 60 fighting heroes would not fit into a movie. And making a movie just to do, it's not quite what Marvel does, they wanted to make clear the plot separation in Avengers 3 and 4. So we have to believe that to surprise us were created ways to deceive us, disguises in the plot. I propose here, that in fact Thanos lost the battle in Infinite War, lost because he was anxious to want to fulfill his plan soon.

The Titan along with Gamora, finds in Vormir the Red Skull, which says: "It is good that you know... This requires a very high price." Answering Thanos, where is the jewel of the soul, which then says: "I am ready!" And the answer is given smiling: "That's what we all thought at first... We're all wrong!" Next to the edge of the cliff the guardian of the jewel says: "What you are looking for is ahead of you... Just like the one you fear the most!" And then: "To ensure that whoever possesses it understands its power... The jewel demands a sacrifice." And at last the Skull says: "You must lose what you love... One soul for another soul." Gamora then laughs and says Thanos has never loved anything or anyone. He was crying, turning to her, who quickly understands the situation. She takes his sharp dagger from the villain's belt and tries to kill himself, to not serve as a sacrifice. She offers her life to protect the jewel of the soul. Thanos uses his power and turns the dagger into soap bubbles. With much regret he grabs his daughter and throws her off the cliff, offering Gamora in sacrifice. Then, without much explanation and far from the mountain of sacrifice, he finds the jewel of the soul in the palm of his hand.

The question that remains is: Can someone give a soul that is not yours in exchange for something? The Skull says that everyone errs at the beginning, that the power of the jewel demands great wisdom. In fact I believe the challenge says to walk to the edge of the cliff and jump, because the fear would be ahead. Fear of losing something that is very valuable to each one, the life itself. Only by giving his own soul would he be worthy to receive the jewel of the soul. Soon, Thanos proved unworthy to receive the gem, for not knowing to understand its power. So he won a fake jewelry. The villain was deceived, in the arrogance of vanquishing his enemies quickly, he was blinded in the fulfillment of his objectives. This seems to be plausible, since all other jewels were either known to be true, from the Mind with Vision or from time to Dr. Strange, or were used by the villain in Infinite War, that of power, space, and reality, except one, the jewel of the soul. That was well hidden and was not used in the movie.

That day one of the screenwriters of the film let out to children in a school, that final scene of Thanos talking to small Gamora. Where he reveals that his journey cost him everything, it could be inside the jewel of the soul, for it was a suspended and all orange environment, and orange is the color of the jewel of the soul. The unleashing power to annihilate half the universe was so great that Thanos took refuge there, said the screenwriter. The scene shows very yellow too, color of the jewel of the mind, thus, I believe that the mind of the villain was for the jewel of the mind and not of the soul. Since the jewel of the soul is in the hands of Gamora, who proved himself worthy to receive it. It is worth remembering that in comics the colors of the jewels are different, there the one of the soul is green. Coincidence only the color change? Or are we being led to believe Thanos was in the jewel of the soul? When in fact the scene is very yellowish too, it happens inside the yellow jewel that he has just robbed of the Vision. If Thanos felt so much pain to lose Gamora, now in possession of the jewel of the soul, could not he at least try to revive his daughter? For me, the jewel of the soul was little explained on purpose, with the intention of hiding it from us, and giving the false impression of the Titan's victory. If that's the way it was... We were really fooled.

So what is the reason for the ravishment of Thanos? Why did people disappear at the end of the movie? Let us recall the senses of the powers of the jewels of the infinite. The jewels were created at the beginning of the appearance of the universe and represent the aspects of existence. A being to exist in the universe must have a power within itself, a cohesion between its cells. (purple jewel, that of power). This same being must be somewhere in space (blue jewel, that of space), within a reality, which presumes multiverse (red jewel, of reality). The existence of a being passes through a power of time, in what time is it? (green jewel, that of time). And also this being to exist must have a thinking mind (yellow jewel, of the mind), attached to an extrasensory spirit, to a soul, something greater than ourselves (orange, soul jewel). Therefore, to be able to annihilate once and for all, to kill the half of the universe would have to have the six jewels to destroy the six aspects of existence. If Thanos only had five jewels, he managed to destroy only 5 of the 6 elements that define a being. He destroyed their bodies by disintegrating them, breaking the power that united them, destroyed space, reality, time and minds, but did not kill them, because their souls are still alive. And where? In a place detached from the five elements to exist, in some multiverse, in some reality, in the "Christian sky," or within the jewel of the soul. It may be that each goes to a different place in time/space and needs to be rescued individually using technology to prevent Thanos together. And how to rescue everyone? Destroying the knob of the infinite and releasing the souls of orange jewel or a very powerful being able to use the gauntlet with the 6 jewels and restore the existence of all the disintegrated. Is this the role of Captain Marvel? Since the company president said she will be the strongest hero in the movie universe Marvel.

Ah, but could not we just go back in time and undo everything that was done? No, the time for the existence of the ravishment people was destroyed and could not be receded. In addition, upon returning in time a new chance for Thanos to gather the jewels would be given. For few in the universe would be able to master and use the power of the gauntlet. In my view, the fact that the gauntlet of infinity was almost destroyed after the snap of the fingers was due to the fact that the jewel of the soul was false. Thanos himself, using the gauntlet and the power of all the jewels, is astonished at not being able to beat Thor's ax, it would also show that something is wrong. I believe a fake jewel, that of the soul, has disrupted the fluidity of the powers and seriously damaging the gauntlet of infinity, the surprise of the Titan in seeing it destroyed points to this.

Thanos appears in the final scene healed of Thor's broken throat, but his left arm is all necrotic, burned. The arm that still carries the whole gauntlet destroyed, but apparently with all six jewels. Was this a danger? Could your life be at risk? Maybe so, but the fact that he did not heal from his arm wounds is another clue that something went wrong. A fake jewel helped to damage the gauntlet, but Thanos managed to destroy 5 aspects of existence. Therefore, due to the wound and the condition of the gauntlet Thanos will not be able to use much of the power of the jewels of the infinity. He is more vulnerable. He must resort to the dwarf in Nidavellir to get another even stronger gauntlet. One scene to make clear that Thanos won, which in my opinion would be obligatory, would be to show in various parts of the universe the beings disintegrating. Only on Earth and on Titan has the ravishment been shown, it is worth remembering that Titan is one of Jupiter's moons and is in our solar system. That is, the whole universe must not have been reached, but only a part of it.

The place of the final scene of Infinite War, where Thanos arrives admiring the landscape and smiling, I believe that it is the planet Vormir, only during the day, the same of the mountain of the sacrifice. And that smile of happiness, of fulfilled accomplishment, is in fact a smile of one who understood what happened and knows that Gamora is alive there with the jewel of the soul. I believe that one of the only ravishment who can meet by astral projection and speak with some of the Avengers is Dr. Strange, for mastering the technique of walking between realities. Captain America must sacrifice himself to help bring down Thanos, who may use the gauntlet to try to bring the disintegrants. The Ant-Man and Vespa will also aid in “Avengers - Endgame", being one of the few that they can in the transit through parallel universes and back to the time. Of course everything is open, you can get new options with Captain Marvel. It is not yet known how her powers will be and where she would be in today's time. Since his film will happen in the past (1990's), who knows time travel is in the plot. Due to the price it cost Thanos to himself, who knows the villain has redeemed himself and ends up helping the Avengers to set things right. He would be dying and flirting with death, to the point of revising his goals. Or to save yourself, he have to change your mind. Anything can happen, it is a fact that the new film will be amazing and will be guaranteed success.

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